Orthopaedic & Post-surgical
If you have had an operation to rectify any problem with your spine or related joints, then you may be looking for a course of physiotherapy to get you back on the right track.
Or perhaps you have a small problem that does not require surgery but which could be eased with a series of treatments. As an example, I do quite a bit of work with clients who are keen to make themselves as mobile as possible after hip or knee replacements.
Similarly, you may be recovering from surgery to other parts of your body, and realise youcould benefit from physiotherapy to help you start to move more freely again. For instance, I have some clients who have been bedridden following operations – they have found the treatment and exercises I have devised have helped to complete their full recovery more rapidly.
Rehabilitation in the Home
This is the core of my treatment and may well be suitable if you have been suffering from other problems e.g. neurological difficulties. It’s as simple as it sounds. Because I now carry out all my work in your home, the course of treatment we agree upon will be designed to make you better able to cope with everything that is going on inside your home. The course can take as little or as long as you need.