
Sensing that this would be an important addition to my services, I took time off to qualify as a physiotherapist, graduating with a First Class Honours degree from Brunel University in 2011. I have completed over 1000 hours of physiotherapy training for the NHS ranging from work in the community and with out-patients to specialist work with neurological, paediatric and respiratory cases. You may be interested to know I’ve also gained physiotherapy experience in Guatemala and through voluntary work in Peru.



Another very important area of my work is in helping to overcome musculoskeletal problems. In particular, I find that many patients want me to assuage the effects of back pain, an increasingly common complaint. You may also be suffering from a sporting injury and wish to speed up your recovery.





Orthopaedic and Post-Surgical

I treat many clients after they have had operations and want to ease themselves gradually back into full fitness. You may also feel you need physiotherapy tohelp overcome orthopaedic problems, whether or not they result in surgery.





Care for the Elderly

Much of the work that I do involves helping the elderly. Physiotherapy can be enormously useful in staving off the effects of age. You may want me to assist you in preventing falls, or increasing your mobility, or perhaps to help ameliorate the onset of illnesses e.g. Parkinson’s disease.